
Measure Markete is supporting

AspiraDAC Centralized Direct Air Capture

Centralized Direct Air Capture

AspiraDAC is pioneering the world's first solar-powered Direct Air Capture project. It utilizes a modular, solar-powered, low temperature absorption-desorption technology to capture CO2, which is then injected into deep geological reservoirs for permanent storage. Rather than simply procuring renewable energy from the grid, the technology configuration embeds and integrates the energy supply—including solar panels and batteries—to provide continuous 24/7 power to the capture equipment. This avoids the multiple costs of grid connection, inverters, and network tariffs as it is essentially a behind-the meter, low-voltage DC configuration. This also means that the technology is immune to grid pricing and carbon intensity.

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Centralized Direct Air Capture

AspiraDAC Centralized Direct Air Capture

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