
Carbon Offset Projects

Carbon offsets are your way to invest in meaningful, measurable, sustainable projects that either pull greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere or prevent them from ending up there. As the top carbon credit broker, we offer the best carbon offset program with the largest selection available anywhere, a perfect companion to your climate action plan.

Our carbon offset marketplace has 180+ reputable, verified and certified carbon offset projects to purchase, so you'll be sure to find the perfect one that your customers, employees and other stakeholders can be proud of when you offset your business footprint.
How does Forestry help the climate?
Forests represent the single largest and most cost-effective way of capturing climate pollution and storing it, with the potential to plant 1 trillion trees and preserve another 3 trillion across the planet. Photosynthesis converts climate pollution into the body of the tree, literally turning thin air into a useful building material, a habitat for wildlife and the preservation of watersheds, all while storing carbon from the atmosphere.
What types of businesses often support Forestry projects?
Forests are an excellent choice for any company, but if your company is resource-intensive, dependent upon functioning watersheds, and uses wood in the supply chain, there are obvious opportunities. Further, forest projects often have strong environmental justice and wildlife components, so companies that prioritize either of those attributes should give them a look.

Katingan REDD+ Forest Protection

Emissions Avoidance
Reducing Indonesia’s emissions by protecting and restoring 149,800 hectares of peatland ecosystems. This is an emissions avoidance project.
Katingan REDD+ Forest Protection
This project's goal is to protect and restore 149,800 hectares of peatland ecosystems, offering local people sustainable sources of income while tackling global climate change. The project area stores vast amounts of CO2 and plays a vital role in stabilizing water flows, preventing devastating peat fires, enriching soil nutrients, and providing clean water. Rich in biodiversity, it is home to large populations of many high conservation-value species—including some of the world’s most endangered, such as the Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) and Proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus)—and is surrounded by villages for which it supports traditional livelihoods, including farming, fishing, and non-timber forest-product harvesting.

The project area is located entirely within state-designated production forest which, without the project, would be converted to fast-growing industrial pulpwood plantations. The project prevents this, having obtained full legal control of the production forest area through an Ecosystem Restoration Concession license, blocking the applications of plantation companies.

This project has completed the additional Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) standards. The forest habitat supports 2 critically endangered, 11 endangered and 31 vulnerable species. Preliminary estimates indicate an estimated population of nearly 4,000 orangutans and 10,000 Bornean gibbons, as well as over 500 Proboscis monkeys. These populations represent over 5% of the remaining global populations of these species. Overall, the project area’s biodiversity includes 157 birds, 67 mammals, 41 reptiles, 8 amphibians, 111 fish, and 314 floral species.
How does Biodiversity Conservation help the climate?
Thriving ecosystems are an ecological legacy that cannot be replaced, and when a species is lost, the world is poorer for it. Preserving ecosystems that host threatened and endangered species or that have a high degree of natural biodiversity is to preserve what makes Earth special, but it also preserves the capacity of these lands to capture and store climate pollution in the plants and soil that make it special. 
What types of businesses often support Biodiversity Conservation projects?
Biodiversity-focused projects are a great selection for companies that have international supply chains or those that use any meat or wood in the manufacture of their products. As these projects are primarily in areas suffering from the expansion of industrial agriculture, there are typically strong environmental justice attributes. 

Rimba Raya REDD+ Forest Protection

Emissions Avoidance
Reducing Indonesia’s emissions by preserving some 64,000 hectares of tropical peat swamp forest. This is an emissions avoidance project.
Rimba Raya REDD+ Forest Protection

The Rimba Raya peat swamp forests are located in Central Kalimantan province on the island of Borneo in Indonesia. Prior to the project's establishment, these immensely biodiverse tropical peatlands were scheduled for conversion into four palm oil estates by the provincial government. The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve protects 91,215 hectares of rich, tropical peat swamp forests, which are monitored by local rangers as well as by satellite and aerial imagery. The reserve is adjacent to the world-renowned Tanjung Puting National Park and forms a physical buffer zone along the parks eastern border. As well as preserving ecosystem diversity and the habitat of endangered species such as the Bornean orangutan, the project reduces emissions by preventing the planned deforestation of over 47,000 hectares of forest for palm oil production.

How does Advanced Technology help the climate?
New technologies are emerging from labs and increasingly being put into place in the real world that permit us to capture pollutants directly from the atmosphere and store them permanently in secure ways. While often the most expensive offset, they are also going to be essential to our climate future.
What types of businesses often support Advanced Technology projects?
Companies that want to create a meaningful internal price on their climate pollution or that prioritize the permanence of cleaning their footprint up will find value here. Typically either a part of a portfolio of projects or for industries with relatively low emissions like professional services or technology. 

Project Hummingbird

Emissions Removal
Project Hummingbird is the Global South’s first Direct Air Capture + Storage project, uniquely leveraging Kenya's geothermal energy, geology, and talent. This is an emissions removal project.
Project Hummingbird
Project Hummingbird is the Global South’s first Direct Air Capture (DAC) + Storage plant, located in Naivasha in the Kenyan Rift Valley. It leverages Kenya's renewable energy, geology, and exceptional talent pool to foster climate innovation in Kenya and Africa. This project not only has the potential to drastically lower the costs of DAC technology, but also serves as a catalyst for socioeconomic development within the deployment area. As such, it will create opportunities for local pastoralist communities devastated by climate change. Project Hummingbird can also spark sustainable growth in Kenya by tapping waste geothermal heat and electricity and so enabling Kenya’s further renewables build-out. This will lower the cost of electricity for consumers and industry and can pay for access to electricity for Kenyans who currently do not have it.

DAC is a highly scalable solution for atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Removal and plays a crucial role in all scenarios to limit global warming to 1.5°C. In essence, DAC technology captures CO2 by moving atmospheric air through a CO2-selective filter. Once this filter is saturated, captured CO2 is typically released by heating the filter material, regenerating the CO2 filter for future use. This CO2 can then be stored permanently and safely in underground geological reservoirs, by either trapping it with a cap rock and / or injecting it into reactive rock pores for mineralization, i.e., turning CO2 into rock.

Octavia Carbon has designed its technology to utilize Kenya's unique resources to overcome the challenges associated with DAC’s traditionally high energy intensity. Its proprietary CO2 filter regenerates at 60-70°C, the lowest temperatures in the DAC industry, allowing it to use Kenya’s plentiful geothermal waste heat uniquely well for its process. Given that this heat energy accounts for ~85% of energy that Octavia Carbon’s approach uses, their method drastically lowers the electricity needed for DAC, and so has the potential to make DAC technology rapidly fall down the cost curve. Leveraging Kenya’s well-educated and abundant workforce, they are also developing their technology at a uniquely modular scale (of just 10 tons of CO2 captured per year in each module). That allows for fast iteration & learning, which has already halved their manufacturing costs from 2022-23, so that their overall costs are now amongst the world’s lowest.

Kenya is increasingly recognized as the world’s best place for DAC not only because of its geothermal capacity, geology and talent, but also because its grid is powered by ~93% renewable energy. For DAC to have tangible climate benefits, it needs to run in places with high renewables penetration to not divert sparse renewables capacity away from retiring fossil fuel power plants. Kenya is such a place, with not just abundant, but excess renewables capacity, where about ~1,000 MWh of geothermal electricity is curtailed every day for lack of industrial demand. By tapping this waste capacity, Project Hummingbird and its successor projects will help to make geothermal power more economic in Kenya, and by eliminating waste capacity, more affordable to end consumers. This can help the Kenyan government achieve its target of building a 100% renewable grid by 2030, and to extend electricity access to all Kenyans. For this reason, Project Hummingbird enjoys strong support from Kenyan policymakers, with Kenya’s Climate Change Envoy Dr. Ali Mohamed personally acting as an advisor to Octavia Carbon.

Project Goals:
CO2e to be removed: 10,000 metric tons over the project’s 10-year lifetime

Social Impact:
Job creation & sustainable development initiatives in local communities whose traditional pastoralist livelihoods are heavily affected by climate change induced drought.
How does Agriculture help the climate?
Agriculture is the way the world is fed, but can also have very negative impacts on the climate through the use of petroleum-derived fertilizers and the loss of soil biodiversity. By paying farmers to change practices to include things like no-till and low-till soil management, cover cropping, and the more careful application of fertilizer, agriculture can be converted from a climate pollutant source to a way to reduce, making the soil, water, and humans healthier. 
What types of businesses often support Agriculture projects?
Agriculture and soil-based offsets are a great solution for companies with a food product, those with concerns around clean water, and for those companies with a rural customer base. These projects also have the potential to change the minds of people who have historically voted against climate action by aligning financial incentives to climate-focused outcomes.

USA Cropland Agricultural Management

Emissions Avoidance & Removal
Empowers farmers to implement regenerative agricultural practices on US cropland that remove carbon, enhance climate resiliency, and improve soil health, water quality, and biodiversity. This is an emissions avoidance and removal project.
USA Cropland Agricultural Management
The Agoro Carbon Cropland project is delivering a solution to the world’s carbon challenge that is grounded in the soil. The project implements a package of regenerative agricultural land management activities such as (but not limited to) reduced and zero tillage and cover cropping to remove GHG emissions from agricultural cropland.

The implementation of these practices achieves a range of beneficial outcomes, including enhanced carbon sequestration rates in the soil, minimized soil disturbance and erosion, amplified crop residue, and improved water management. As a result, significant improvements in soil, water, and air quality occur, fostering greater biological diversity, and providing vital natural habitats while optimizing ecosystem functioning.

The project provides the financial, agronomic, and educational support needed for growers to implement regenerative land management practices on croplands that not only produce agricultural products sustainably and profitably but also have a positive impact on climate change.

Agoro Carbon credits are additional, encompass strong permanence characteristics, contribute to a variety of benefits beyond carbon sequestration, and are reinforced by a robust MRV framework underpinned by physical soil sample measurements. Investing in Agoro Carbon quality credits supports the global transformation of agriculture that will benefit farmers and the planet.

The Agoro Carbon Cropland project is making a substantial impact, currently managing an impressive 330,000 acres (133,546 hectares) with further expansion underway. Throughout its lifespan, it is projected to remove approximately 8.7 million metric tons of CO2e, making a significant contribution to combatting climate change.

Setting Agoro Carbon apart is its pioneering role as the sole developer offering SD VISTa Ag Carbon projects in the market. These projects will incorporate several verified Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as Zero Hunger, Quality Education, Clean Water and Sanitation, Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Climate Action.
How does Biomass help the climate?
Plants capture a lot of climate pollutants, but when they die, the residues can be converted into useful outcomes instead of being allowed to rot. Taking the remaining plant products from things like forest and agriculture waste and converting it into biofuels or converting it into more permanent soil carbon storage is a great way to leverage the power of photosynthesis. 
What types of businesses often support Biomass projects?
Biomass is a good place to consider investing if your company has a lot of emissions associated with air travel, shipping, or agriculture because you will be investing in the technologies that will transition difficult sectors to their climate future.

MASH Biochar

Emissions Removal
Producing European Biochar Certificate (EBC) certified biochar to permanently sequester carbon. This is an emissions removal project.
MASH Biochar offset project

Using its uniquely assembled thermochemical platform, MASH pyrolyzes crop residue in a containerized machine that produces high-quality, EBC-certified biochar with a low oxygen content and a high fixed carbon content of 84.9%. This makes it an ideal product for permanent carbon sequestration applications such as soil enhancement and land remediation. Indeed, biochar has been proven to be a quantifiable, verifiable, and stable option for the highest quality carbon sequestration

The biochar cycle:​ The project is divided into two phases:

  1. Production of biochar: MASH will employ its unique pyrolysis machine, which enables feedstock to be efficiently heated using only residual pyro-gas from the process. The machine also has the capacity to generate 450 kW electricity and produces near ISO-compliant bio-oil, which is presently being tested and upgraded for use as a boiler and a marine fuel. Moreover, a wide variety of agricultural residues can be used as feedstock for the process, creating a plethora of potential business cases and a highly scalable business model in which every business case is deployed in the form of a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV).
  2. Use of biochar for permanent carbon sequestration: MASH will permanently sequester carbon in the following ways:
    - Biochar as a soil conditioning additive: Biochar has been proven to augment crop productivity by improving soil quality, increasing water and nutrient-retention, bettering water drainage, maintaining soil pH, removing harmful toxins, and increasing carbon content.
    - Biochar as an additive to construction materials: Thanks to its extremely low thermal conductivity and its ability to absorb water up to twice its weight, biochar is the perfect material for insulating buildings and regulating humidity. In combination with lime and cement mortar, it can be used as an additive for plaster or for bricks and concrete elements at a ratio of up to 80%, resulting in interior walls with excellent insulation and breathing properties.

Monitoring methods: MASH plans to use the following monitoring and verification techniques to ensure the credibility of its credits:

  • Carbonfuture’s MRV: MASH will use Carbonfuture’s MRV for the monitoring and verification of carbon removal credits.
  • Annual European Biochar Certificate (EBC) audits: The quality of biochar produced will be monitored by the EBC and audited annually as part of the EBC C-sink certification. This audit will be conducted by a third-party auditor, who will monitor the production data and carbon sinks created.
  • Randomized internal audits: Because MASH’s Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) are fully automated, the plants’ daily production data is readily available. On the biochar application end, randomized audits will be conducted to track the sink creation process.

Through the production and use of biochar, MASH aims to create the following triple bottom-line approach that:

  • Valorizes crop residue that would have otherwise been burnt in an uncontrolled environment.
  • Sequesters carbon in the soil for hundreds, or possibly thousands of years.
  • Improves soil quality, thereby remediating semi-arid and arid lands and converting them into future cereal/cash crop baskets essential for an increased agricultural throughput for the growing population.

By purchasing carbon removal credits from MASH’s biochar projects, you will enable MASH to replicate this state-of-art carbon removal solution and actuate the accompanying co-benefits.

How does Energy Efficiency help the climate?
Humans use energy for a variety of activities, and it often corresponds to a higher quality of life. However, when wasted or done inefficiently, it leads to useless climate pollution and frequent negative health impacts. By replacing inefficient combustion methods or by improving insulation or lighting solutions, that precious energy won't be wasted.
What types of businesses often support Energy Efficiency projects?
This is a category with strong environmental justice and women’s health outcomes, as these projects typically improve indoor air quality associated with cooking and help those of modest means to spend less money on heating through home efficiency upgrades. 

Rural Nepal Improved Cookstove Distribution

Emissions Avoidance
Replacing cookstoves in disadvantaged households to reduce fuel consumption and emissions for cooking and water heating. This is an emissions avoidance project.
Rural Nepal Improved Cookstove Distribution
This project, conducted in rural Nepal, involves the distribution of 15,292 fuel-efficient improved cookstoves (ICS) to replace basic cookstoves in disadvantaged households. More than 88% of the households in these districts use firewood for cooking and boiling water. Similarly, another 10% use dung cake to meet their daily cooking energy requirements.

The improved cookstoves reduce fuel consumption and emissions from in-home cooking and water heating tasks. This substantially lowers wood fuel consumption compared to a three-stone fire or traditional pot support.

The project implementer trains local residents, including women, for outreach to households in need of stove construction. This element of community participation ensures sustainable use of the cookstoves. In addition, a satisfaction survey is maintained by the project developer, along with all records on cookstove distribution.

In villages where the ICS are disseminated, technicians respond to any concerns related to their usage and operation. They also provide a monthly activity report, covering aspects such as maintenance and repairs, to the project development team in Kathmandu.
How does Fossil Fuel Substitution help the climate?
In areas where fossil fuel-driven electricity is still the cheapest option, every new power plant locks in 30 years of climate pollution. Financing the installation of renewable energy projects prevents this, helps to foster a necessary industry, and changes the economics of renewable energy moving forward.
What types of businesses often support Fossil Fuel Substitution projects?
Renewable energy projects are typically a very cost-effective method to reduce the concentration of atmospheric climate pollution, so organizations with large footprints or that have significant energy in their supply chains should consider supporting these projects. 

Ras Ghareb Wind

Emissions Avoidance
Supplying wind-generated electricity to Egypt. This is an emissions avoidance project.
Ras Ghareb Wind
The Ras Ghareb Wind Energy project (RGWE) is a 262.5 MW non-conventional renewable energy (NCRE) generation plant being developed in Ras Ghareb on the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. It is an independent power producer (IPP) project that will sell all of its electricity to the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC) under a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).

The project will displace the generation of more greenhouse gas (GHG)-intensive electricity from existing and planned fossil fuel-based power plants, resulting in significant GHG emission reductions. In total, RGWE will provide renewable energy to 150,000 households in a country with an 80% dependence on fossil fuels. The project is aligned with Egypt's governmental policies to increase NCRE generation to 30% of total energy demand by 2035.
How does Construction help the climate?
The world is constantly changing and will require new buildings, but existing construction systems create a lot of climate pollution. New building materials are changing this by capturing climate pollution from the atmosphere during the growth, production, or installation of these materials. 
What types of businesses often support Construction projects?
Companies with large facilities footprints or in the business of construction can benefit from aligning their positive impacts with their negative impacts, especially if their operations are in regions where these projects exist.

CarbonApp - Igloo France

Emissions Removal
Igloo Cellulose uses bio-based materials from recycled wastepaper and stores CO2 in buildings for at least 50 years. Cellulose insulation generates major energy savings year-round This is an emissions removal project.
CarbonApp - Igloo France offset project
Born and developed in Canada over 40 years ago, Igloo’s Cellulose fiber insulation is manufactured in France, in the heart of the Vendée region, from paper collected from local recycling channels and from community collections (schools, associations, etc.). Not only does it diminish the global waste volume, but it also allows to raise public awareness on the importance and interest of the circular economy.

Igloo France Cellulose implements all available means towards a sustainable development and energy transition. One ton of its bio-based carbon net-negative cellulose fiber insulation (CFI) removes 1,04 tons of CO2eq from the atmosphere into long-term storage. This insulation is suitable for both new and refurbished buildings. Over 18 months, up to 31400 tons of CFI have been fitted and insures the proper insulation of 39 000 housings. This product offers CO2 storage within a durable building for at least 50 years. No heat is necessary to manufacture cellulose insulation, through its near-zero-waste production process. Finally, due to its excellent thermal performance, cellulose fiber insulation allows for significant energy savings throughout the year, an undeniable advantage for individuals and the environment.

In durable managed forests, growing trees are capturing enormous amounts of CO2 by absorbing it in its fibers. When harvest happen, the left-over wood material (other than building material), is used primarily for paper manufacturing. Once the paper cycle is finished, new paper can be made, with the help of added fresh fibers. The Igloo concept uses 100% recycled paper as its main ingredient. This means that the harvested CO2 is not released back into the atmosphere but stored in buildings.

Igloo fibers are used in industrial and residential buildings, houses, cabins, and even public buildings.

There are a variety of different co-benefits that stem from deployment of Igloo products. The Igloo loose fill insulation fibers are a very efficient thermal insulation product and can generate energy cost (and carbon) savings in buildings where implemented. In recycling, by repurposing paper products into Igloo cellulose insulation, the CO2 embodied in the paper is locked-up for the lifetime of the building. Lastly, Igloo Cellulose Fibers are a significantly less carbon intensive alternative to traditional insulation materials.

The proceeds from carbon credits will allow the company to develop the logistics network and systems to collect local wastepaper. Most proceeds will be used towards a major change in the production process. The addition of cardboard in the paper mix requires new machinery, new developments, and new training. Overall, this shift will lead to an even lower carbon impact in the finished product by reducing the impact of transportation of wastepaper as raw material and enable the company to offer even broader recycling possibilities for wastepaper to the community.
How does Emissions Capture help the climate?
Though the most common climate pollutant is carbon dioxide, other gases from livestock, materials manufacturing, and refrigerants can be as much as 10,000 times worse on a per-ton basis. Preventing these gases from entering the atmosphere is essential to the climate future, so these projects capture and destroy them before they can. 
What types of businesses often support Emissions Capture projects?
Companies that use significant refrigeration, animal products, or have a lot of waste to landfill associated with their products or operations can benefit from connecting their emissions sources to projects like these, especially as they tend to be very cost effective.

Fulton County Mud Road Landfill Gas Capture

Emissions Avoidance
Capturing methane gas from a landfill in New York using underground gas wells and converting it into energy. This is an emissions avoidance project.
New York
Fulton County Mud Road Landfill Gas Capture offset project
IThe Fulton County Mud Road Sanitary Landfill is located in the town of Johnstown, New York, and is comprised of 30 acres of active landfill with an additional 8.5-acre constructed expansion available for refuse in the future. In 2007, major upgrades and expansions to the existing landfill gas collection system were undertaken in order to produce enough landfill gas of sufficient quality for sale to a landfill gas to energy (LFGTE) plant that consists of two engine gensets. Fulton County’s energy partner, IES, began construction of the LFGTE plant in July 2009 and began operating the plant in June 2010. In addition to the significant GHG emission reductions from the destruction of methane that would otherwise have been released to the atmosphere, the project lowers methane levels in groundwater, increases safety by avoiding methane migration, and reduces emissions of VOCs and other local pollutants.