
Audubon Veterinary Critical Care LLC is supporting

Envira Amazonia REDD+ Forest Protection


The Envira Amazonia Project is a VCS and CCBS-designed REDD+ project in the Brazilian state of Acre, which aims to protect up to 200,000 hectares of tropical rainforest. The project will simultaneously preserve rich biodiversity and a wide range of ecosystem services, provide direct benefits to local communities, and mitigate the release of roughly 12.6 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions over its first ten years. The project is being developed and registered under the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard (CCBS). Its development has involved engaging a large landowner willing to forgo conversion of forest land to a ranching operation, working with the local communities, engaging Acre state officials tasked with reducing deforestation pressures on the regional/state level, and putting into operation the REDD project implementation plan with the help of local partners. The project will also mitigate deforestation pressures in the wider region using a combination of environmental programs and social programs intended to improve the livelihoods of community members living in the vicinity. Social projects and programs for the local communities will not only generate sustainable economic opportunities, but will also result in a reduction in deforestation in the region and the preservation of biodiversity.

Previous offset projects


Envira Amazonia REDD+ Forest Protection

No items found.

, , Brazil


Pacajai REDD+ Forest Protection (2016)

No items found.

, Pennsylvania, Brazil