Featured Customer: Ice Dragon Corrosion

Sara Miranda
July 7, 2023
Aclymate climate action meeting at Ice Dragon Corrosion HQ

Ice Dragon Corrosion is a valued Aclymate customer and certified B Corp that has always had sustainability in mind, and we are honored the company has selected our climate solutions including carbon accounting and offset marketplace to reach its net zero goals. It has supported the Bluesource - Kootznoowoo IFM offset project as part of these efforts.

Ice Dragon Corrosion logo with blue writing and a shield
“At Ice Dragon Corrosion, we're committed to doing our part to combat climate change. That's why we're excited to announce that we have recently started tracking our emissions with Aclymate, a fellow B Corp. By measuring our ICE emissions, we'll be able to identify impactful ways to offset them and reduce our carbon footprint. We believe that it's our responsibility as a company to prioritize sustainability and make positive contributions to our planet.” - via LinkedIn

About Ice Dragon Corrosion

According to the company, Ice Dragon Corrosion’s mission is to improve the way its clients manage corrosion risk. At the same time, the team seeks to promote and uphold the highest standards of environmental policy and practice. They work with mining and infrastructure clients worldwide. Its projects range from the small and straightforward to the large and more complex. They believe in the value of long-term partnerships with their clients, many of whom they’ve worked with since inception.

Portrait view of reflective lake with trees and mountains and clouds in sky

About The Offset Project It Contributed To

The Kootznoowoo project encompasses 8,000 hectares (20,000 acres) of old hemlock and spruce forests all owned and managed by the native Haida and Tlingit peoples in Southwestern Alaska in the United States. The region has one of the lowest per-capita incomes in the country due to the high cost of heating using diesel and a lack of economic opportunities. The local communities depended on forest timber for their livelihoods, which has degraded the ecosystem over the years. Land in this project has been managed for 40 years starting in 2018 using the American Carbon Registry’s Improved Forest Management methodology. 

The funding received through the sale of carbon credits helps the native Haida and Tlingit communities protect and preserve their forest ecosystems by providing an alternate source of income. This helps reduce ecological loss to timber harvesting and increases the quality and life of the trees. The project has stored more than 123,000 metric tonnes of CO2 since its start and will sequester 1.6 million metric tonnes of carbon over its lifetime of 40 years. 

The funding for the project supports community development for the indigenous people living in the region through a micro hydroelectricity project and a scholarship for local children. The power generated from the hydroelectric plant reduces the dependence on high-cost diesel for heating and avoids carbon emissions from fossil-fuel burning.

Hands holding soil with a plant growing from it

Other Sustainability Impacts

Combating Climate Change: In addition to doing this for its own emissions with Aclymate, Ice Dragon Corrosion also provides services to its clients that help their companies become more sustainable. For example, cement manufacturing makes up to 8% of human-created carbon emissions due to the degradation requiring repair or replacement which impacts supply chain emissions. The company takes measures to help extend the life of concrete to reduce this impact.

Preventing Corrosion-associated Failures: The organization proactively assesses risk and utilizes a data-informed approach to avoid this environmental issue that occurs across many industries.

Marine Conservation: Corrosion and wear can cause leakage events from conveyance lines into sensitive environments and are associated with loss of social license to operate and huge fines, so the team designs risk monitoring systems, analyzes data and uses it to help clients make informed decisions about inspection type, frequency and optimize maintenance activities.


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Sara Miranda
July 7, 2023

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