hi everyone and welcome again to The Climate dad the podcast where we talk about and explain the news and science of climate change and the things that you can do both as an individual and as part of an organization I'm your host Mike Smith a father of two great kids and the founder of Aclymate where we help businesses measure reduce report and offset their footprint for an affordable price without having to become a climate expert.
my theory is is that when you have knowledge about it won't feel so overwhelming and when it doesn't feel so overwhelming you'll actually get to work uh there's nothing that helps to kind of make a sense of helplessness go away as actually getting to work on the problem.
you know reorienting the course of history as they did with the second world war and as we need to do with tackling climate change um yeah I love that these are interesting times but
they're they're times of great import um in some ways uh you could say that the next 20 years are potentially the most impactful in all of human history yeah I feel fortunate to be able to help to do my part to to steer the direction.
I think it needs to go pharmaceutical industry it's not that it surprised me but I I like seeing how how much it has grown when it comes to sustainability um you generally don't think of pharmaceutical companies having you know this this type of vision.
This isn't just feel good stuff this actually Matters from a climate accounting standpoint and from our you know preserving our climate future this is why we're doing this.
It's not only just about saving the polar bearers it's about human flourishing and the prevention of human suffering um and it really is truly a fight for the future.
Make sure to subscribe to The Climate Dad where you get your podcast and to share like and comment on social media my name is Mike Smith and this was The Climate Dad.